ADTA-SA Inc. Code of Conduct
Australian Driver Trainers Association of S.A. Inc. Code Of Conduct:
As a member of the Australian Driver Trainers Association of South Australia, I :-
- Will abide by the Code of Conduct entirely.
- Will do all in my power to ensure compliance with the Code by all persons in my employ or who represent me.
- Recognise that fair and genuine competition between members is fundamental to the service to which the public are entitled.
- Will be aware that all members are individually responsible for their own acts and omissions and will be held to account for them.
- Will not solicit any gift or benefit other than normal payment in respect of services performed or to be performed. In the event of any such offer being made directly or indirectly, I am to report it at the first opportunity to the appropriate authority.
- Will act at all times in a manner which does not conflict with the best interests of the public and conduct my business and carry out my duties in accordance with strict professional courtesy and integrity.
- Will be well informed and keep up to date regarding laws applicable to my business and duties, other essential facts and public policies which affect my business and duties, and duly comply with all their requirements.
- Will conduct my business and perform my duties in free competition with my fellow instructors and refrain from criticising the actions of, or damaging the reputation of my fellow instructors either directly or by implication.
- Will teach my students not only the arts and skills of driving a motor vehicle but also, instill in them a sense of responsibility, as a licence holder, in relation to road law. Further, I will attempt to form driver’s attitudes to demonstrate regard for other road users and ensure maximum safety for all concerned.
- Will, in my own personal driving, drive in such a manner as to set a good example to my students and all other road users.
- Will use the recognised administration channels available to report any information regarding corrupt conduct, unauthorised use of official resources, or passage of restricted information to those not entitled to receive such.
- Will do all in my power to maintain and strengthen the reputation of the Association and all its members.
- Will, in all aspects of my business, follow the principle of care, courtesy, and consideration for others.